Rethink Loss Prevention Tactics

As incidents of theft, burglary, and vandalism of retail stores continue to rise, security and loss prevention leaders are looking toward tech-enabled, flexible alternatives to the traditional approach to alarm monitoring and dispatch. The HiveWatch® GSOC OS delivers. 

Focus on what's real with false alarm reduction


False alarms may be driving up costs for local law enforcement response

Understanding where false alarms are originating means loss prevention can be more proactive in addressing potential issues

False alarm reduction in a GSOC can help operators better monitor areas of interest


Easily shift resources where they're needed most


Gathering data about incidents – where they happen, how often, and how long it takes to resolve – means more info about how to allocate resources like guards


Coupled with technology that provides a wealth of information to resources about potential hot spots, and loss prevention leaders can deliver a holistic approach to minimizing loss


Maximize response and communication across locations

When theft – both insider and external – occurs, time is of the essence. Making sure communications are streamlined is critical to addressing loss.

Giving guards the information they need to respond to incidents is critical and can be done automatically through the Guard Mobile App

Being able to link an intrusion event to video provides a greater amount of information that reduces the chance of a responder going in blind to an incident that’s unfolding


Additional Resources

Retail shirts
Product information

Putting the Power Back in the Hands of Retailers

It’s time for retailers to stop relying on faulty intrusion detection systems and outdated infrastructure to protect their employees, customers, and stores. Here’s how.


5 Hidden Costs of a Physical Security Breach

While it’s difficult to quantify the effect of a physical security breach, there are some hidden costs that many businesses might not consider. 

Retail 2

Rethinking Retail Security

As incidents of theft, burglary, and vandalism of retail stores continue to rise, security leaders are looking towards tech-enabled, flexible alternatives to the traditional approach to alarm monitoring and dispatch.

HiveWatch Computer and Mobile

See HiveWatch in Action

Learn how HiveWatch can elevate your security programs and technology with one powerful, easy-to-use platform.